Well one serious problem I see in the streets is people getting killed. The reason I say this is because every time I watch the news I see that people are getting killed, they are getting shot, and sometimes there getting kidnapped. So I think that cops or good people should do something to solve this problem.
Well one solution to solve this problem is cops should put the bad people in jail. The reason I’m saying that cops should put the bad people in jail is because bad people do all the bad things and good people do the good things. Like bad people are the ones that killed good people or bad people. They killed bad people because sometimes bad people are in gangs and that’s how they killed each other. So I think they shouldn't be bad people and all the people the cops should take them to jail and get rid of them.
Well another solution that could keep people from getting killed is they should do right choices and they shouldn't do bad choices. Like for an example they are some people that tell other people to steel, to kill, or to the bad stuff and they do it and those are bad choices. I think they are some people that know what they are doing like for an example what is good and what is bad they are already old enough to know what to do. So I think this solution could be solve by people doing right choices.
Well another different solution is that cops should limit weapons, knives, and bad stuff that could killed people. So I guess cops should do that so people won’t be watching in the news on TV people getting killed. So this is what I think cops should do.
Well one serious problem I see in the streets is people getting killed. The reason I say this is because every time I watch the news I see that people are getting killed, they are getting shot, and sometimes there getting kidnapped. So I think that cops or good people should do something to solve this problem. So in my opinion I think cops should do all those solutions so everybody could be safe.
jaxc Tidak ada entri. Mulai nge-blog!
10 years ago
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