Tuesday, June 2, 2009

ReFlEcTiOn QuEsTiOnS oN nIgHt

152. Why do you think Elie Wiesel wrote this book?
Answer: I think Elie Wiesel wrote this book because of the Holocaust and also because maybe it reminds him of his family and to teach us something.

153. Why do you think he chose "NIGHT" as its title?
Answer: I think he chose "NIGHT" as a title because maybe all the events that happen in the book or the setting was in the night.

154. How does Elie change as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps?
Answer: Elie change as a result in the concentration camps because of what happens to other people how they get killed and how they treat them.

155. How does Elie finally come to terms with his ordeal?(What does he finally do?)
Answer: Well he tries his hardest to survive from all the things he went through like the ordeal.

156. Give examples of issues in "NIGHT" that still arise today and what do you think should be done about "genocide"?
Answer: well one example of an issue of "NIGHT" is that is genocide is the continent South Africa. well about genocide of the continent South Africa is that they are white people and black people. well what actually happens is that the black people kills the white people that is one type of racism and genocide. it is the same thing like in the book "NIGHT" that they are people that are racism to the with people actually Jews or Jewish. well for me that's one type of genocide in the continent South Africa.
Another example is in tanzania well in that country whats happening is that they get them they put them in the camp they sometimes trade them or if they need something from them they kill them so they can get some parts of their bodies. well is the same thing in the book "NIGHT" because they used to kill people to find if they haded gold so they could it sell and win money.
Another example of genocide is the russians because they are killing the Jewish who are the chechen people. well thats the samething of "NIGHT" the people all killed most of the Jews or do some type of genocide. well i think this or genocide should stop.
Another type of an example of genocide is in Mexico. well what happen in Mexico is that if women work they killed them because the men want the women to take care of there childs. well is only in parts of Mexico. well is related to the book "NIGHT" because this was happening in some places.
Well actually in my opinion what i think of genocide is that it should stop because for what they came to the world just to get killed. i dont think so. so i think that if its stops people are going to have a better life and they all going to be enjoying there lives. well this is what i think of "GENOCIDE".